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Showing posts from November, 2020

God and Nature

If nature is whatever isn't designed and executed by an intelligent agent, then for the Christian, nothing about the so-called natural world is actually natural, because it's all the product of intelligent design and execution. It's all "creation". So what is natural, by this definition of nature? Perversely, God Himself, who, as the personification of the ultimate, cannot be the product of design and execution.  God's nature represents the most crucial aspects of reality -  necessary eternal being and order. These attributes cannot be the products of intelligent design and execution because intelligent design and execution presuppose them. If the most crucial aspects of reality cannot be the products of intelligent design and execution, then why postulate an intelligent designer executing anything? Why not cut out the middle-man and see reality as the unfolding of nature's... nature? Instead of God's nature, why not simply speak of nature? And thereby...